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RE: Realistic Fleet sizes

From: davis@a...
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 15:24:46 -0400
Subject: RE: Realistic Fleet sizes

Stuart Murray wrote:
I am thinking of expanding my fleet at the moment and it goit me onto
thinking about 'realistic' fleet sizes.

I was thinking that each 'power' such as NAC, NSL etc would have limited
resources and budget (much like no) plus there is the balance between
domestic and military spending so I was trying to guess  just how many
space ships do the NSL have in thier fleet ?

I was wondering if anyone has any idea what the current wet anvy sizes
for the US, UK and German Navy.  I though tthis may give me a couple of
pointers in the right direction.  OK so space is bigger and more area
patrolling, but I was just curious about fleet compositions.


Another source of information for this could be found in the
GDW Trillion Credit Squadron book for the Traveller game.
They generated a fleet funding level based on the tech level,
economic strength, per capita income, etc for a system or
a group of systems.

In order to make it 'official', you'd need to know the
respective colonies, home worlds, populations, etc for the
NAC, FSE, NSL, and other political organizations in the FEe

FT universe. (ignore the typo)

I can dig through my Traveller stuff tonight and see what
could be derived for FT.


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