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Re: HELP:Unsubscribing

From: kx.henderson@q... (Kelvin)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 19:39:39 -0400
Subject: Re: HELP:Unsubscribing

>Could someone please tell me how to unsubscribe from this list. I have
>tried the server but it doesnt do it and claims to inform the list
>admin, but Im still here.
>I only acess this account once every couple of weeks and the FT stuff
>Please help

To unsubscribe send an E-mail to;

The Subject can be left blank. The body of the message should read;

unsubscribe ftgzg-l



	"Young lady, in THIS house we obey
	      the laws of Thermodynamics!"
			-Homer Simpson

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