Re: Star Trek background (was... something else)
From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 19:57:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Trek background (was... something else)
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997 wrote:
> ><snip>
> Talking of politics what exactly is the political outlook in the FT
> universe? Is the ESU dictatorial? Is the NAC such a wonderful place
> to live? And what about the NSL and FSE? Whats it like to be a
> citizen of all these states? Views?
> _______________________________
> Niall Gilsenan,
> Dublin Institute of Technology,
> Cathal Brugha.St,
> Dublin 1,
> Ireland.
I think of the politics of the states as follows: (when I think of their
politics at all, and not just of their militaries...)
NAC: democratic, capitalist constitutional monarchy, probalby with a
parliament and a House of Lords - all those Admirals are Sir Admiral xxx
or Lord Admiral yyy, right?
FSE: democratic, etc but with strong authoritarian overtones - sort of
Gaullist (as in Charles de Gaul)
NSL: as FSE, but due to German influence...
ESU: some sort of Communist/corprate mix, partly free market and partly
not - sort of what China seems to be evolving into...
OU: republic, etc, with Prez and other trappings, senate and the like.
IC: some sort of dictatorship, probably, or 'managed' democracy? eg
Netherlands: constitutional monarchy as today -- but is Amsterdam still
the place the world goes to get stoned???
Free Cal-Tex: republic, w/ bombastic Prez, etc. last bastion of politics
in the grand old bs-filled 20th cent. US style... :)
IF: Islamic theocracy of some sort, probably, but details???
PAU: What is a 'federal super-state', people? Whatever that is, by the
background, that's what the PAU is...
Anyone I've left out: haven't considered them, or don't consider them
important...just my personal view...
Brian (