Re: United States Civil War
From: "Christopher K Smith" <smithck@a...>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 02:23:32 -0400
Subject: Re: United States Civil War
> From: Phillip E. Pournelle <>
> To:
> Subject: United States Civil War
> Date: Friday, September 05, 1997 4:03 AM
> The biggest problem I have had with alternate histories such as
> Guns of the South, is the lack of accuracy in the historical analysis.
Even though this is kinda off topic...I guess I will through my two
in. First...I thought Turtledove wrote Guns of the South....maybe not.
I agree that there was no way the South could have won a military
victory...It could have possibly made Lincoln and his generals
look bad enough to cause the North to pull out of the war.
Christopher K Smith