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Re: Just a thought (a little long)

From: "John D. Hamill" <finnmaccool@e...>
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 21:45:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Just a thought (a little long)

Sprayform wrote:
> At 20:29 31/08/97 -0400, Allan wrote:
>   8< snippity spip >8
>  Go into a newsgroup and
> >you'll often find "What's Stargrunt 2 like?" type posts. The answers
> >review the game, but if you don't happen to see this post and/or
> you have no idea.
> So we write a SGII FAQ web site (from a players point of view) It will
> obviously be biased (but then again you want the sort of players who
> thinking rather than being told what to think so it shouldn't matter),
> could include all the links to figures / gaming groups / other reviews
> So who's got the time ?
> Jon (top cat)
> Innovate then Deligate ;-)
> Sprayforming Developments Ltd.	[production tools]
>					     made in
>					[prototype  times]
>   'The future is now'
The problem is not the people with net access, with a little patience
and a good search they can find our little secret ;-) the problem is
those still in the Paper Age. If they don't see it printed on a sheet of
paper it doesn't exist. We really need to get out the message in print
somewhere, in a magazine or (gasp) a supplement (or even a whole series
of them). Full Thrust has gotten some good press here in the states
(Pyramid magazine did a glowing review last year) but as far as articles
on any of the games... nothing. If we do nothing else we, as dedicated
GZG gamers should write up our best ideas and submit them to a magazine
that will publish them. And if they won't, we should think of starting
one of our own.

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