Re: Changing Die Types
From: Sutherland <charles@n...>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 22:43:10 -0400
Subject: Re: Changing Die Types
>God, what lists were those? I'll have to avoid them. To be honest, this
>by far the most civil group I've seen. Very few flame wars (and those
>that MIGHT be considered such were short), good signal to noise ratio,
>polite. I'm not sure why this is. I suppose it's because we all have a
>fairly common set of interests, but we're also fairly mature
>(intellectually, if not always chronologically). I've seen other groups
>common interests break out into flame wars at a drop of a hat. I just
>know what it is about this group. I noticed the same thing at GenCon;
>list members were about the same in person as they were in print.
I think it might be that Jon's game dont have a lot of glitz and shiny
for it that would attract anyone but those who are looking for good,
substance. The first time I played DSII I was put off by the lack of
visuals and nifty "toys". After borrowing the book and reading front to
back I really liked it.
Must be the anti-MTG game. They make my skin crawl.
Chuk Guy