Re: [OFFICIAL] Where we're going from here...[LONG RAMBLE!!]
From: "John D. Hamill" <finnmaccool@e...>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 14:23:58 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Where we're going from here...[LONG RAMBLE!!]
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> For the last few days I've been following with interest the threads
> concerning speculation on the future of FT, with particular reference
> the Fleet Book and FTIII. I thought it might be of some use at this
> to share a few thoughts with you all, and to gauge the reactions to
This is why I like GZG, the fact that you actually listen to your
customers, at least the ones who post here!!
> OK, so where ARE we going from here??
> Well, the Fleet Book is actually, really, truly under way now! (Shock,
> horror...).
> PS: for those of you who play DSII and SGII, we WILL be working on
> material for them as and when time permits; BDS (Bugs Don't Surf) WILL
> the light of day as soon as we can. Oh, and between everything else,
> also considering a FANTASY version of the FMA system (provisional
> BLOOD AND THUNDER) which will be playable at any level from man-to-man
> skirmish right up to mass-battle and with any scales from 6mm to 25mm;
> will have a simple sub-Tolkein generic fantasy setting, (unlike most
> Fantasy miniatures rules, it will be 90% rules to 10% background
> than the other way round...) - you know the sort of thing:
> "Elves are pointy-eared tree-huggers; Dwarves are short, hairy and
> beerswilling; they don't like each other..". What more background do
> NEED...? :)
I also like the idea of a fantasy version of the FMA rules, but it would
be more helpful to introduce more people to DSII and SG if we had more
than just the rulebooks for them. Even if you just put out a supplement
of the variant rules for either game (of which there are many on the
net), along with some additional scenarios, this would be helpful.
If you didn't want to write everything yourself you could always license
the supplement out. I don't know about anyone else, but I would love to
see DSII as the OFFICIAL game system for David Drake's Hammers Slammers
universe, with a full supplement detailing that. Or maybe just some
Orders of Battle supplements for SG, detailing some of the major and
minor powers troops.