Emergency Thrust and Emergency Turns
From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@b...>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 13:17:01 -0400
Subject: Emergency Thrust and Emergency Turns
While going over some other starship combat games I got at GenCon, I
across rules for emergency speed on ships. I think this option would
well for Full Thrust so here are some rules, comments are appreciated.
Emergency Thrust and Emergency Turns - Optional Rules
The thrust rating of a ship is the normal amount of thrust that can be
used each turn to change a ships movement without damage to the
Emergency Trust rules allow players to simulate captains who push the
engines to the limit in order to create more thrust than normal but as
result there is a chance that the engines may be damaged in the process
(But Captain, if we accelerate like that the dylithium crystals may not
take the strain!). Emergency Turn rules are to simulate the same
situation but when the ship attempts to turn more than normally
even up to the Kra'Vak level of maneuverability.
When using Emergency Thrust, the total amount of thrust points created
the engines may be increased by up to 50%, rounded down (a thrust 4
may attempt to use 5 or 6 points of thrust in a turn, a thrust 3 ship
attempt to use 4 points of thrust). The amount of thrust available for
turning is normally half of the available thrust for most ships but
using Emergency Turn rules, all available thrust points many be plotted
for turning.
The process is to plot the move and if Emergency Thrust and/or
Turns are used, then roll a d6 for each to determine if they were
successful, failed, and/or damaged the thrust engines. For each
additional point of Emergency Thrust created over the normal max, the
chance of damage to the engines will result is increased by 1. For 1
extra point of thrust, a roll of 1-4 equals no damage to the engines
the extra thrust is gained, on a 5 the extra thrust is gained but the
engines are damaged afterwards, then always on a roll of 6, no
Thrust points are created and the engines are damaged in the attempt,
player must replot the turn with the original max of thrust points and
then the damage to the engines will take effect after that. For 2
points of thrust, a roll of 1-3 results in the extra thrust and no
but now 4-5 gives the extra thrust plus damages the engines and a 6
is no extra thrust and damages engines.
Emergency Turns occur when attempting to use more than half of the
original thrust for turning, the same process is followed as with
above with the same results and chances increasing for each point of
thrust plotted for turning beyond half of the original thrust amount
half of the total thrust available that turn if also creating
Emergency Thrust points). A ship does not need to create Emergency
points when attempting an Emergency Turn, a capital ship with thrust of
can plot both for turning as S2 and will have to roll a 1-4 to avoid
damage to the engines, a 5 allows the turn but damages the engines and
a 6
requires a replot of movement to fit normal rules and also reduces the
thrust available to 1 for the next turn
If both Emergency Thrust and Emergency Turns are plotted, then 2 rolls
needed. Damage to engines from the use of Emergency Thrust or Turns
be repaired by damage control teams. If the thrust engines are already
damaged, than the current rating of half of the normal thrust is the
'original' thrust for that turn and calculations are based on that
Example: a Cruiser with thrust 4 and an undamaged engines plots the
following movement, P3+3 for a total of 6 thrust points. First a d6 is
rolled for the creation of Emergency Thrust over the normal maximum
available of 4, a 2 is rolled and is in the save zone of 1-3 so no
to the engines and the extra thrust points are created. A second d6 is
rolled for the Emergency Turn because 3 points of thrust are plotted
turning which is 1 greater than the normal allowed amount of 2. A 5 is
rolled and the extra turning thrust is available for use this turn but
then the engine is marked as damaged and only 2 thrust points are
available next turn. If both rolls were 6's then the move would have
be reploted with only 4 thrust points and next turn the ship would have
thrust available unless damage control can get it repaired later that
Let me know what you think,