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Wet Thrust (or whatever it's gonna be named)

From: M Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 15:46:21 -0400
Subject: Wet Thrust (or whatever it's gonna be named)

	Did someone say they'd put all this stuff up on a web page ?  If
so where and who ?  If not, can someone send me the rules etc. and I'll
post them on mine...

  ,-----	 Michael Hodgson <  >	   
  |  __/			 <>	    | 
  l_F-< 		   A_A_A,-mmmmm--=_ =---<==r==- 	   
    L  \	      _   _H_H_H_,-------|..|-,_,--|		      L 
 r-i ) I	    I=L|==L<_  >L|: : : :|..|>|_<>:II		   r-i )
 \  "  /		   H H H `-------|_ |-' `--'		   \  " 
  `---' 		   U U U				   

		  The speed of light is 2x10e9 furlongs
			     per millifortnight

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