Re: Dirtside Lite redux
From: "Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 10:03:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Dirtside Lite redux
Allan writes...
>>> I gave the Land Raider 4 HEL-2s in fixed mounts (actually sponsons
using the
>>> fixed mount cost). The troop carrier version of the Land Raider had
>>> HEL-3s. I made the vehicle size 4 (as opposed to David Brewer's
>>> of size 5) because the Shadowsword tank is bigger than the LR and I
>>> it to sit at size 5.
>>Fair enough. I guess we have to assume that GW vehicles have a
>>different vertical scale to the horizontal, or something. They do
>>look awful daft up against historical 6mm minis. Try putting a
>>Rhino next to an M113 (carries... what... 11 troops? 3 DS stands?).
>I agree. The GW minis are pretty silly, really. You slope armour.
>Even if the enemy's weapons can't penetrate your armour, you slope it
so you
>can put on LESS armour and reduce the vehicle's weight. Mike
Miserendino and
>I were talking about this at GenCon vis a vis GZG figures. We both
>that the SG2 resin vehicles and the new DS2 miniatures based on them
>too tall and boxy. We figured that future weapons would be more sleek
with a
>lower profile.
You think...that Evil Empire(tm) employee got ahold of the
Daune: "How can you be asleep and getting ready at the same time?"
Indy: "I'm multi-tasking..."