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RE: Naval Units

From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 00:10:22 -0400
Subject: RE: Naval Units

IMHO it would all depend of the objectives of the unit.  A task force is
just that, a fleet put together to complete a specific task.  The
composition would vary according to requirements, but would consist of
several different squadrons or even battlegroups of ships (notably a
carrier group for support, Battleships for firepower, & several
destroyer or cruiser squadrons to protect the BBs & carriers.  
There would probably be several support ships (ie tankers, troop ships &
cargo ships) attached to the task force or battlegroup dependant upon
how _HOT_ the area is & purpose.

As a general guide, I would say a ratio of 1 capital:2 cruisers:3-4
escorts plus cargo vessels equal to about 30% of the fleets mass.

(w) Brendan.Robertson @
'Neath Southern Skies
The Oceanic Union lives!

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Christopher Pratt []
>Subject:	Naval Units
>what i mean are, what are naval units?
>task forces, squadron, battle group?
>And how many and what types of ships make up each of these units?
>I'm not just talking about the honor harrington universe, but about
>naval units/actions in general, I am looking for a vague idea I can use
>for when i plan scenerios, or perhaps semi-offical oraganizational
>information for the FT background....
>chris "damn thats a lotta ships" pratt

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