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Re: [OFFICIAL] Salvo Missiles etc.

From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 13:08:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] Salvo Missiles etc.

>I think the problem with GW isn't that they don't get it right at
first, but
>that they screw it up as  they keep adding rules to cover new figures. 
>new rules are necessary because GW isn't a game company, they are a
>company, and to get people to buy the new figures, the new figures need
to be
>more powerful -- or at least different -- from what is already out
there.	As
>a result, a ruleset that worked fine when the game comes out has some
>parts bolted on to it that it begins to look like Frankenstein's
>same thing happened, I am told, with 40k -- when Rogue Trader came out,
>Adeptus Astartes kicked ass, but by tyhe time the 40k box set came out,
>were average at best.

While I have to agree that GW's policy of the next miniature being more
powerful than the last seems prevalent, i used to play the origional
release of 40K.  If I remember right the marines were not truly awesome,
they regularly got a kicking from the Eldar.  It wasn't until GW decided
that 'Marines are Best' that they increase S and T, plus gave marines
HTH and shooting capabilities that marines really began to truly 'Kick
Ass'.  On the other hand the origional rules for Terminators (WD 109 I
think) resulted in unbelievable powerful troops (jump packs, grenades,
tendril sensors, kitchen sinks, you name it the terminators had  it). 
the origional 40K did have though, was a greater sense of game balance,
sure some things were odd but a little tweaking and it was a good game.
The second version of 40k, the less said the better for me.


Stuart Murray

Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461

Tel: (718) 430 4289

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