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From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@s...>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 13:30:35 -0400
Subject: GenCon

Hi all,

I just got back from GenCon (I had to spend yesterday in Detroit), and I
must say it was quite a pleasure to meet some of the people on this

On both Saturday and Sunday we managed to set up Full Thrust games with 
Allan Goodall, Mike Miserindino (sp?), Mark Siefert (pronounced
Dean Gundberg, Chris Pratt, and one other guy (a Macintosh programmer
whose name escapes me at the moment) as players.  The games went very
well, and all the players had a good time.

In general, it seemed to me that this year's GenCon was a little smaller
and less hectic than last year -- the crowds weren't as unruly, and it
easier to travel through the brownian motion of people in the
hall.  I think that there were less collectible-card-game players and
traders, and it looked like there was a small increase in the number
of miniatures games, but I don't know whether there was a change in the
number of role-playing events since last year.

I didn't find any fantastic deals on miniatures at any of the dealers'
booths this year; the best one I found was a guy who was selling some
Partha 25mm fantasy packs at 33% off retail. I have to admit, though,
I bought all eight of GZG's new "Combat Babes" 25mm figure packs at the
Geo-Hex booth! They'll be a surprise at my next StarGrunt game. :)

Rick Rutherford ----- ----- The above opinions are mine.
"I've seen collisions on fire off the side of the ethernet LAN. 
I've seen the lights on the CSU/DSU glitter in the dark near the router.

All these things will be lost in time, like dropped packets. Time to

Prev: Re: The Evil Empire revised. Next: Re: Berets and other head varients.