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Re: Seeking some scenery help

From: "Chris McCurry" <CMCCURR@v...>
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 13:53:47 -0400
Subject: Re: Seeking some scenery help

johncrim @ asked:
> For an upcoming game of Full Thrust, I
> need something to represent a "Jump Point".  This is not an
> Babylon-5ish jump gate, it's more of a naturally occuring fold in
> thingie.  Sorry if I'm getting too technical, here.  Anyway, I want to
> up with some sort of 3-D object to represent this, and my mind has
> failed me.  Does anyone have an idea for something that would be
> and yet east and cheap (yes, that word again--I'm a grad dtudent, and
> "cheap" is an integral part of my vocabulary) to construct?  Any ideas
> all would be appreciated....

> Alun.:--->How about a black globe with a distorted starfield painted
it ?

I like the globe part (use a cheep Styrofoam ball)  but I picture a
colorful jump gate (deep purples and blues)
 or maybe a spiraled reddish look to it...

In any effect the ball is most appealing and very cheep.


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