Re: Seeking some scenery help
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 09:23:41 -0400
Subject: Re: Seeking some scenery help
Steve Pugh writes:
@:) John Crimmins wrote:
@:) > And, on another note.... For an upcoming game of Full Thrust, I
@:) > need something to represent a "Jump Point". This is not an
@:) > artificial, Babylon-5ish jump gate, it's more of a naturally
@:) > occuring fold in space kind thingie. Sorry if I'm getting too
@:) > technical, here. Anyway, I want to come up with some sort of 3-D
@:) > object to represent this, and my mind has utterly failed me.
@:) Sooooooo, you want a 3-D representation of an object that by its
@:) very nature is at least 4 dimensional?
@:) Hmm, this could be tricky.
Well, since FT is actually a 2-D game, presumably a 3-D object would
be satisfactory. My suggestion: drill a hole in your table large
enough to drop a miniature through.
Since FT ships can successfully navigate hyperspace, you might want
to put a pillow under the table. Leaving the giant 4-D hyperspace
attack cat around might help add that extra bit of terrifying realism,