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RE: Turned Tables...... (Fiction, long) Part 2!!

From: "Chris McCurry" <CMCCURR@v...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 14:23:09 -0400
Subject: RE: Turned Tables...... (Fiction, long) Part 2!!

>Class of ship		   qty of hardpoints that have 3 arc coverage
 >	 cruiser			       100%
 >	 escort 				90%
 >	 capitol				50%
 >			(round up)

I'm not sure if i agree with this look.  After watching most Scifi
or booksit would seem that  the bigger / mother ships are the ones that
have all the guns pointing all different dirrections... not the smaller.
Seems to me that it make smore sense that the large ships would have
space for all the arcs of fire not the smaller ships.

I do agree with the amount of weapons and type od weapons that maybe
mounted / placed on a ship.  As a large number of laser batteries could
drain reactors fairlt quickly...

I would suggest instead of restricting players on what kind of weapons
which way they may fire .. give them an insentive to be more realistic
a bonus to firing to the front arc or penalty to the port and


If weapons are fixed mounted they recieve and extra 4 inches to their
due to power being able to flow straight line (less complex) without all
the turrent mechanics.

my $0.02..


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