RE: Background Irrelevancy--and Poll (was Re: AIs and such...)
From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 22:21:44 -0400
Subject: RE: Background Irrelevancy--and Poll (was Re: AIs and such...)
> ----------
> From:
> Sent: Monday, 21 July 1997 21:34
> Subject: Re: Background Irrelevancy--and Poll (was Re: AIs and
> such...)
> > >1) Do you REALLY care about the FT background? Are you really
> interested in
> > >what happens to the ESU, NAC, etc. or is it just an excuse for a
> battle and
> > >nothing more?
> I quite like the FT background. Perhaps it has more appeal to us
> Europeans than to the Americans. Considering the fact that America
> is really just part of the NAC. In the main it reminds me somewhat
> of the 2300AD roleplaying game. Now that is a background crying out
> to be use by GZG players.
Actually, Evan Powle made the observation that SG/DS are the perfect
vehicles for the Traveller 2300 players to conduct larger scale combat!?
Well here the the Kafer Wars!
Owen Glover