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Re: even more off topic, Kryomek

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 12:52:53 -0400
Subject: Re: even more off topic, Kryomek

Stuart wrote:
> For KM PA I use the SWATs as interdict siuts since I don't feel they
> are big enough for true PA, I use Grendel's foirst release of the
> Predator PA as my heavy PA, these again were origionally released
> for KM before Fantasy Forge pulled the rug out from under them. 

That would be difficult as the folks from Fantasy Forge set Grendel 
up after FF went belly up....
Do you mean Kryomek (well we all know that they're Scotia really)
as they had (and still have) the rights to Kryomek? But I didn't 
think there was ever any problem with Grendel putting Kryomek stats 
out with their stuff, certainly my Scarab came in a box with stats 
for it on the back.

And did Scotia/Kryomek also buy up Grendel went they under? If so can 
I still get Scarabs? 'Cos I would really like another two.

> The Predator suits are much bulkier with  either heavy weapons or
> dual basics (i.e. chainguns/heavy flamers or twin gauss rifles/twin
> SMGs etc) in addition to a shoulder mounted grenade launcher.  I'm
> told by the guys at Scotia that this is the style of the new SWATs
> (but they said this a year ago and nothing has appeared yet !).

I never liked any of the various types of PA put out by FF or 
Grendel. Too ungainly for my tastes. Does anyone have a list of the 
stuff that Kryomek/Scotia put out? I wrote to them asking for one, 
but just got the Scotia catalogue in response. (Yes, I did say 
Kryomek in my letter.) :-(


"And all I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by."
"Though a cloaking device, pulsed phaser cannons
 and a full load of quantum torpedoes would be quite nice too." 

Stephen Richard Pugh

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