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RE: Counters wanted

From: "life is an ever swirling, sucking, eddy of dispair, which is filled with moments of false hope in an ever blackening universe - Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 11:37:37 -0400
Subject: RE: Counters wanted

On Monday, July 21, 1997 4:08 PM, Chris McCurry
> Give me some ideas and i'll try my hand at making some..

Yes I'd like to know how Mike Wikan produces such cool counters.
I've tried it my self with a common paint package but the results
are OK but no-where near as good as the b5 counters, for example.

I think Mike use Adobe Photopaint/shop. It would be interesting to know
you go about getting the original image and then how to go about adding
detail and shading effects? Which tools to use and in what sort of

Given the demand is out stripping the supply - we need to start an
industry here.

tim jones
entropy requires no maintenance

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