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even more off topic, Kryomek

From: Stuart Murray <smurray@a...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 10:57:26 -0400
Subject: even more off topic, Kryomek

Slightly of the GZG figure range topic, for those interested in SG
II/Kryomek stuff.

>I only wish that Galoob would market those Aliens APC's over here in Oz
><sigh>.  For Kryomek Powered Armour, I will be using NSL as I am hoping
>bulky enough.	Oh yeah, it looks cool too.

I phoned Galoob a while back and it seems that they were willing to do
order, I have no idea what it would cost to Oz though.	The Aliens APC
IMO a better substitution for the SCARAB ATAC, a real APC not the mickey
mouse origional APC, (It was released a few years ago for the KM game
Grendel had no licence for that so they stopped marketing it for KM,
however, I have a copy of the stats+points somewhere).

For KM PA I use the SWATs as interdict siuts since I don't feel they are
big enough for true PA, I use Grendel's foirst release of the Predator
as my heavy PA, these again were origionally released for KM before
Forge pulled the rug out from under them.  The Predator suits are much
bulkier with  either heavy weapons or dual basics (i.e. chainguns/heavy
flamers or twin gauss rifles/twin SMGs etc) in addition to a shoulder
mounted grenade launcher.  I'm told by the guys at Scotia that this is
style of the new SWATs (but they said this a year ago and nothing has
appeared yet !).

As far as using GZG PA for KM I think that the NAC PA is probably the
bet for interdict suits, the NAC suit has a helmet section so looks
reasonably anthropomorphic,  however it does appear a little slim
with the KM figures.  In addition I'm not wild about the PA personal
sidearm which is almost pistol sized, it just looks too small to be a
rifle (my fave armament), though it could be a SMG or machine pistol. 
NSL suit, although cool looking, is built very differently to the NAC
there is no defined helmet section, and to my eye looks a little short
stood next to the NAC suit.  The design of the NSL suit is very square
profile whereas the NAC suit is more form-fitting.  Again the NSL suit
looks very slim next to KM figures (even more so than the NAC suit from
behind).  the NSL personal side arm looks more like a real weapon, it is
complete redesign of the NSL sidearm for PA, which IMO this time works,
could easily be a combat or gauss rifle/grenade launcher combo.

In conclusion, I would reccomend the NAC suits are interdict marines,
probably with a bit of work to replace personal weapons with those from
marines.  For PA suits you might want to try the Grendel range (the
interdict marines are passable but need a bit of work, try to find
Predator marines with both arms separate rather than the newer ones with
one arm cast on).  My fave PA suits are the Grenadier Future Warriors
suits, they are not too dissimilar to the NSL suits but they are scaled
28mm, they come with either heavy chainguns, missile launchers (RRLs) or
lasers, and they are BIG compared to a LPW armoured marine.  Of course
is all just my opinion of this stuff.  I hope some of this waffle is of
to you.


Stuart Murray
Department Of Molecular Genetics
Albert Einstein College Of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
New York 10461
Tel: (718) 430 4289

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