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Re: Background Irrelevancy--and Poll (was Re: AIs and such...)

From: tmcarth@f... (Tom McCarthy)
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 12:24:30 -0400
Subject: Re: Background Irrelevancy--and Poll (was Re: AIs and such...)

1) I've never been one to really invest emotionally in any one side in a

gaming universe. 
2) I've read the FT background, I found it sufficient. 
3) I rarely specify a background, just setting up generic missions like 
planetary assault, space station assault, engage and destroy. 
4) I wouldn't want to see background expand anywhere beyond 50% of a
5) Only if it stands on its own merits as good fiction.
6) I'm afraid I want a playable game more than an accurate prediction of
7) I like to control the battle.  If the AI/men/bug nature doesn't
play, I don't care.
8) At a certain point, I lost interest in the AI thread.  This is always

compounded by threads drifting in many directions and not changing the
Tom + Dana McCarthy

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