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Re: FTL capable fighters (B5)

From: campbelr@p...
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 14:20:35 -0400
Subject: Re: FTL capable fighters (B5)

Oerjan Ohlson <> said:
> In the episode you mention, an internal explosion destroyed the jump
> gate generator; I'm not sure if it also caused the
> ship to lose contact with the beacons,

As I remember they lost contact with the becons  due to the explosion 
knocking out thier com section, (one reason the "furies couldn't just 
talk them back) As for coming out of Hyper, I've noticed that there 
seems to be no "minimum" distance for a gate to form. Could be iif 
you don't know where you are in relation to the gates, (navigation 
refrences) you could pop out uncomfortable close to a star, or 
planet. (Remember the White Star Jumping from in side Jupiters 


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