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FYI: located GW Space Fleet for Auction

From: Kevin Walker <sage@m...>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 08:58:20 -0400
Subject: FYI: located GW Space Fleet for Auction

I was doing a bad thing this morning, looking through RGMW (what can I
my significant other probably has the flu)...	I ran across the
action item.

E-mail bids to

Lot 7	Space Fleet.
	Minimum Bid --	$15
	Current Bid --	$0

According to his message, a buy out can be arrange at twice the minimum
bid, and  he expects shipping to be $3-5 on most items.  So, if anyone
looking for more Space Fleet ships, here's a possible avenue to pursue.

Kevin Walker			 Mac Developer / Software Engineer
Rochester  MN  USA
PGP Fingerprint: 91D6 67EB 8899 C039 7B96  60E9 AFEA 45F4 4E98 D834

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