Re: (Grav bikes - Daryl Adams
From: Darryl Adams <dadams@t...>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 04:56:31 -0400
Subject: Re: (Grav bikes - Daryl Adams
Glover, Owen wrote:
> The Brumby - I love it. Only comment is that I think that, like Power
> Armour, you won't have Untrained and highly unlikely Green units
> either.
> Let's face it the Grav Bike requires almost as much skill and training
> as an aircraft so the OUDF (or anyone else) won't let loose teh
> 'jewbies' on these.
You can of cause do it, and I for one dont want to stop you. In fact i
would be cheering on like mad (especially if I have the AA advantage
> Drop Bears - nice touch
Appropiate, isnt it?