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Re: Attn JT: FT Novels

From: jon@g... (Ground Zero Games)
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 04:21:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JT: FT Novels


>Perhaps the answer lies in a collection of short stories, or even a
>of novellas, bound together in the one volume. Maybe even bundled with
>next supplement - I know people are going to object to that! - to
>some sales.
>Just a thought.
>Jeremy M. Sadler
>Design Editor - Frontier: The Australian Science Fiction Media Magazine

If we ever managed to get a "proper" FT fiction book published (I mean
the book market, not just the gamers, like the Weber/STARFIRE stuff), I
reckon the best way would be basically as you suggest - a "shared world
anthology" style of book with plenty of short stories and novelettes.
way, the individual authors would be free to explore the more minor,
aspects of the FT "universe" - even humourously if they wish - rather
having to take the "big picture" approach that a full novel might be
into. As mentioned, I already know several good published UK writers
though they could not fit a full novel into their schedules, could
be prodded into doing us a short or two.

This is definitely a subject for further discussion and thought....

Jon (GZG)

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