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Re: wanted: more thrust: FOUND!!

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 20:54:41 -0400
Subject: Re: wanted: more thrust: FOUND!!

Excerpts from FT: 27-Jun-97 Re: wanted: more thrust: FO.. by
> > Ach, an' i' ye kin speak inna greet Scots aksent, then yurr ships
wil hae
> > a ba'er chence tae repar damage?

Will you stop that?  You talk like everybody else when you get excited!

> I'll have to introduce you Robyn Edwards who has  painted an entire 
> NAC fleet in various tartans, and moves them in a schiltron 
> formation!!

Umm... "schiltron"?

(And maybe that NAC fleet should meet up with, I believe, Allen
McCarley, who painted his Epic Imperial Guard in tartan.  With,
supposedly, different tartans for his different companies. 
Distinguishable.  In **6 mm scale**. <shudder>	(Andy Skinner, can you
check me on this...?))


		    Aaron Teske 

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