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Chits in FT/DS/SG

From: Ryan Montieth Gill <labrg@e...>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 19:21:21 -0400
Subject: Chits in FT/DS/SG

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Chris McCurry wrote:
> Some of my input:  I don't think that 'chits' work very well in table
> games.  It adds another longer step to a possible already long game. 
> like the dirt side and star grunt books mainly for ideas but the
> game workings didn't work for our group (here in Houston, Texas, USA)

I have found that they speed a large game up rather than slow it down. 

With many units on the table, the fewer looks at documentation one has
make the better. DS flows very quickly. The rules make sense and I have
managed to convert a number of folks at my local gaming store. By having
unit/commander grade, damage, morale level and other info all out there,
its very easy to see. I can't think of how many times I forgot to move a
unit in Space Marie/Epic. The turned over marker in DS helps prevent

- Ryan Montieth Gill  /|\   Scotland Forever  DoD# 0780/AMA/SOHC -
- or labrg@emory.edu_   '85 CB700S 'Mehev' -
- I speak not for CNN, nor they for me.   '72 CB750K 'The Barge' -
-	     '76 MonteCarlo 'Bumblecrow' -
---		Senator Koella Should go to JAIL !!	       ---
--- Kill someone and leave the accident you should go to jail! ---

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