Dirtside II Weapons: GMS/Air
From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 17:20:58 -0400
Subject: Dirtside II Weapons: GMS/Air
Here's my idea for an Anti-Air GMS. Each battery may fire 1 GMS
versus air targets at a range of 48 inches with 1d6 for Basic, 1d8 for
Enhanced and 1d10 for Superior missile systems. Damage is calculated
same as for a GMS/L. The cost is 1.5 times a GMS/H Therefore 45 for
60 for Enhanced and 90 for Superior. This weapon system takes up 4
spaces. The GMS/A may be used against ground targets at a range of 30
inches but again draws chits as a GMS/L.
I would imagine that Patriot, Hawk and AEGIS Weapon systems
carry a system like this. You might even want to put it in an
aircraft ala Tomcat...
Now the question becomes, when does the missile hit, if I fire
it as
reaction fire...? Before of after the targets ordnance drops...?
Please let me know what you think.
Phil P.