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Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 10:49:42 -0400
Subject: Re: FTIII: A Plea to End "Me Too" Firing.

Mikko Kurki-Suonio writes:

@:) >	I think the FT system works fine.  It's simple and fast.  
@:) Take a duel. First fire, and consequently first damage, is decided
@:) by a simple roll of 1d6, unmodified by any tactical factors. Quite
@:) simply I don't find this satisfactory.

  You're right, it doesn't work too well.  But then that's why I play
SFB for duels.	FT works better with larger fleets, and the bigger
your fleet gets the less the initiative advantage gets.  There is
still the coordinated fire oddness but I think that's a small price to
pay for the ability to run through twenty ships in a few minutes.
Also note that for an individual ship, damage observation issues still
need to be dealt with - if I plan to split my fire over two ships, how
much firepower should I allocate to the damaged one to just kill it
but not waste anything?  That can be tricky and if you get it wrong,
some other ship will have to make up for it and you lose some

  As for duels, maybe we should give the black player a 1/2 point
advantage? :)


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