Re: Question for the Americans (was Storage & Transportation)
From: Gerald McVicker <gmcvicke@w...>
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 15:34:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Question for the Americans (was Storage & Transportation)
>> work *wonders*. I managed to pick up 2 of the larger handgun cases
>> ones that have 2 levels to them) before K-Mart stopped carrying them
>> were selling for $11 each).
>Not wanting to sound judgemental (and definitely not wanting
>to start a moral crusade), but a little question for any
>Americans concerning something that scared me when I was in
>the States a few months ago.
>I was in a k-mart (which is basically a supermarket selling
>food, clothes, toys etc), when I came across a section selling
>guns. Now, I don't consider myself particularly anti-gun or
>anything, but seeing them for sale in (what I presume is) a
>typical supermarket, scared the shit out of me. I think I
>suffered a bit too much culture shock, and I didn't pay
>too much attention to what sort of guns they were.
>Is this common? Are they typically just low powered guns?
>I'm sort of morbidly curious.
>Be seeing you,
Speaking as an American. Yes, is is all too common. No, they are not
powered guns. You can find anything from high powered hunting rifles,
shotguns, revolvers and automatic pistols. These are not some grocery
store variety, these are the real things. Wal-Mart, a store that is the
same as K-mart except a different color, just recently stopped selling
handguns, when a patron purchased a gun at their store and 30 minutes
killed a few people. Welcome to America. Its our constitutional right
"keep and bear arms" and kill anyone who pisses us off. We only kill
20,000 people a year with them. I'm not particularly anit-gun either,
I live here and it makes me sick.
Jerry McVicker
"Don't worry soldier, weapons will be available in a moment."
Blackwind and Raddix Gaming