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From: M Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 04:48:31 -0400
Subject: FTMAP WWW Site

	Hiya everyone,

	Whilst many people on the list are considering how best to write
their various mapping and ship design programs, I have decided to set up
web site to collect images suitable for using in these programs.  So far
there is just the basic images that are distributed with FTMAP, and a
couple of b5 images made from Mike Wilkans counters.
	I hope to have more soon however.  If you have any images that
feel would be useful for programs like FTMAP, please send them to me,
I'll put them on the page so that everyone can use them (and hopefully
will see more PBEM games).  Your work will of course be credited.

	The page also contains a VB5 program written by me, that will
enable you to generate FTMAP input files quickly and easily.  I hope to
put a distrubution of FTMAP on the page shortly.

	Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and
send me all your little piccies :)


  ,-----	 Michael Hodgson <  >	   
  |  __/			 <>	    | 
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  `---' 		   U U U				   

		  The speed of light is 2x10e9 furlongs
			     per millifortnight

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