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Re: FTF Standard File Formats for PBEM/Utilities

From: M Hodgson <mkh100@y...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 06:03:49 -0400
Subject: Re: FTF Standard File Formats for PBEM/Utilities

	I have been working on a program to help manage FTMAP inputs for
while now...  Though far from finished it has definately got as far as
being useful.

The program is written in VB5 (cos it's easy and my brain fails it's
threshold check before C/C++) and so if unfortunately quite big thanks
those massive runtime modules.	I haven't zipped it yet, but unzipped it
is about 4MB.

The program uses a standard FTMAP input file, and places the data in one
of three windows (oh that's another thing - it's Win95).  The first
you to set map options such as title etc and is the data in the first
of the FTMAP header file.  The second window allows you to manage ship
classes, and to add new ones. Finally the window you use most - the
orders window will allow you to give orders to your ships (including a
limited use of real thrust movement if you so desire). Having done all
this you can generate a new input file for FTMAP.  If anyone wants a 3MB
file emailed to them :) just ask....  I will put a web site up soon (by
soon I mean this year...).


  ,-----	 Michael Hodgson <  >	   
  |  __/			 <>	    | 
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    L  \	      _   _H_H_H_,-------|..|-,_,--|		      L 
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 \  "  /		   H H H `-------|_ |-' `--'		   \  " 
  `---' 		   U U U				   

		  The speed of light is 2x10e9 furlongs
			     per millifortnight

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