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Errata, More Thrust, and related...

From: "Alfredo Lorente" <alfredo@b...>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 12:46:53 -0400
Subject: Errata, More Thrust, and related...

De-Lurking (De-Cloaking?) here, briefly...

I picked up _Stargrunt_ a little while back, and have a question that 
I figure has been asked before (BTW, is there a FAQ for the GZG games 
out there?).  Can someone shed light on the Drones section of the 
rules!?!?  For example,

Spotting:  Do drones roll Unit Quality plus Sensor Quality die, vs d4 
shifted up per 12" range to drone and cover bonuses?  (the term 
"System level" wasn't defined earlier but I figure it stands for 

Recalling a drone:  I assume the Drone has to move back to the 
location where the Infantry team is.  On the other hand, could the 
drone land, say 6" away from its operating infantry team, and in a 
following turn be picked up by the operators?

Shooting Drones down:  Is the phrase "the drone's system die roll" 
meant to imply that the roll is against the electronics?!  It isn't 
very clear - my assumption is that the die rolls are opposing
Quality die rolls - Firing unit Quality versus operators Quality 

I haven't been able to find a copy of More Thrust, and I want to know 
which are the new weapons available in the supplement - Missiles and 
what else.  I'd like to prepare a game for a Gaming Con (Working 
title: "Damn the Torpedos, Full Thrust Ahead!" ;-) but I would like 
to use a different background and build my own ships.  I'd rather not 
do the same work twice...

Related to _More Thrust_, does _MT_ cover the creation of Dropships 
for _Dirtside II_?  The info on Dropships in _Stargrunt_ is kinda 
thin...  (BTW, are the "Walkers" from _SG_ AT-AT's from _Star Wars_ 
or _BattleTech_ robots?  Are there rules to build _BT_ robots in _DS 
II_?  Are there any home rules for such? - Yeah, I know _BT_ robots 
are very impractical - I still find them reall cool....)

Enough rambling.  Any help will be appreciated....

Alfredo Lorente
Alfredo Lorente

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