RE: DSII modular production
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 21:11:48 -0400
Subject: RE: DSII modular production
>>> good ol' US of A has decided they don't like anything with lead in
>>> except bullets of course...
Off topic area below....
Semi-Topical bit to follow....
HEY ! I didn't decide anything of the sort. It seems that it was the hue
and cry of the _potential_ of itty bitty chilluns eating gobs of those
fancy lead bits (to my knowledge no one has EVER been harmed or killed
by lead poisoning from collectible minis) that moved Our Stalwart
Legislators to propose a bill in NY state (the bill was later defeated)
to ban lead miniatures, amongst other vile products with lead in 'em.
In response, and maybe to avoid future problems, manufacturers began
using house blends of various antimony/zinc and tin compounds, which
reportedly (Ral Partha sez, at least) cost up to 3x the price of yummy
lead. But there is no legal ban, go figure. So I sez gimme lead figs,
please. They just taste better anyway. Kieran from Geo-Hex may have some
insights from the manufacturing end that I don't know about, only being
in the fringy retail-kibitzing-game design end of things.... But that's
the way I understands it.
I just ordered a bunch of stuff from John McEwan, from his new Days of
Empire line, and I'm waiting patiently for its arrival.... The
'landships' on his site at: made me
think, hows about a series of larger vehicle chassis as well, with
multiple turrets, not so much a'la Ogre, but maybe more like
HellTank...... Maybe my blood sugar is low again...