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Re: Under Fire-DS2

From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@s...>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 11:58:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Under Fire-DS2

On Fri, 16 May 1997, Ground Zero Games wrote:

> >In DS2, a unit with an UNDER FIRE marker has to roll if it wants to
> >While this is great for infantry units who want to do nothing but
find a
> >deeper hole when they're getting shot at it, it is dead wrong for
> Sound like a reasonable idea to me - could give some interesting
results :)
> Looking forward to others' opinions on this....

We've always ignored the "under fire markers" rule for vehicles 
(sorry, Jon) because it didn't make sense to us, either.

But as far as the game is concerned, it also doesn't make sense to me
a vehicle would leave its cover just because it's being shot at.
While it may be much harder for a tank to hit a moving target in real
life, the only vehicles that get a "moving target" benefit are grav and
fast GEV vehicles who go 30" (flat out full speed) in a single turn
get the extra d6 defense die for moving evasively, but they can't

So, if you have to move because you're under fire, and if being a moving
target doesn't help your survivability (in the game, not in real life),
then why force the unit to move when it's under fire?
Rick Rutherford ----- ----- The above opinions are mine.
"I've seen collisions on fire off the side of the ethernet LAN. 
I've seen the lights on the CSU/DSU glitter in the dark near the router.

All these things will be lost in time, like dropped packets. Time to

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