Re: ECM and FT
From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@b...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 16:38:05 -0400
Subject: Re: ECM and FT
Mike Wiken wrote:
> I really would like ECM and sensors to play a more active part in
> the Tactics of FT/MT. It would be great to relly NEED an ELINT ship
> to help Jam and Burn through jamming.
I would too but I have a bad taste in my mouth from SFB and their ECM.
I like the idea presented by Mikko a while ago about just having ECM
to the 'range' to target. Additional uses were added for the current
systems from MT. Sensors could the counter the effects of ECM. His
thoughts were:
> extend weapon ranges based on sensor power:
> Basic +0"
> Enhanced +1" per range band
> Superior +2" per range band
> ECM +4" to range
My thoughts are a target ship with ECM would be targeted at 133% actual
range and ships covered by area ECM, it would be 125% actual range, to
throw out some quick ideas, maybe change them to 150% and 133%. Also
ECM would cause missiles to miss their final attack on a 5 or 6, area
on a 6.
Sensors can burn through ECM, it may take a few turns. A total of 6 is
needed each turn a d6 is rolled. Basic has a modifier of -2 (minimum
value of 1), Enhanced -1 and Superior no modifier. All rolls are
If Basic sensors, first turn rolls a 5 (-2 modified to 3), target at
range. Next turn, a 2 is rolled (-2 modified to 1, total is 4), still
ECM range. Third turn, a 3 is rolled (-2 modified to a 1 total is 5),
still at ECM range. Fourth turn a 1 is rolled (-2 modified to a 1
is now 6) target at actual range.
The ECM could be turned off or a couple turns and them turned back on
the whole thing would start over.
These thoughts that have been bouncing in my head for the last couple
days. I'm glad the thread moved to a subject where they fit in.
What do the rest of you think?
Dean Gundberg