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Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII

From: Eric Fialkowski <ericski@m...>
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 11:40:04 -0400
Subject: Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII

>	 On the topic of using an accellerated rock to attack the
>as Joachim pointed out, getting the rock up to 1000" velocity takes at
>125 turns.  Using a tug to change the velocity of the station by 1"
>less than 125 turns.  Your rock is over an inch in diameter on the FT
>"ground scale"?  Obviously, you are god and the defenders have already
>If your divinity is in doubt, then it's going to take a pretty
>effort to accellerate it, and the defenders are going to notice. 
>need to have recce ships providing targeting data, if the defenders are
>going to modify the orbit of the station at all, and the defenders can
>attack them.  If you chuck a huge rock at the station, and it misses by
>(FT scale or real life scale!) then it's been a wasted effort.
Why use such a large rock?  An really large rail gun that sends a chunk
steel the size of a car would work too.  It would need to charge so it
couldn't be a tactical weapon but I don't think a starbase is a tactical

    +------------+	       +----------------+
   +		 Eric Fialkowski	       +
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