Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 03:38:32 -0400
Subject: Re: Fw: Weapons for Newtonian based FTIII
On Tue, 6 May 1997, Joachim Heck - SunSoft wrote:
> Any such item MUST be available to ships as well or it forces ME to
> design like an idiot.
Sure... if you can spare the mass. And it might be only usable at
complete stop.
> Sounds like a sand field, but less explainable.
A-a... *Your* sand field dealt out damage based on contact speed.
Anything with less speed could get through. But true, a variation
of the sand field might work as well. One with *very* low safe speed.
> @:) Mass: 30 Points: 100
> Hey, it's OK by me as long as I can mount it on my carrier.
Can you really spare 30 Mass? Go ahead...
> Then you've got a new scenario and your GM can start you off at a
> low speed again! That's what GMs are for.
Then I would ask the GM why is he trying ban my tactics and after
receiving no logical explanation I would leave play disgusted by the
non-impartial judging.
> Uh, last I heard missiles take damage. If Pournelle's sand cloud
> doesn't damage missiles, you can consider that ability amended to my
> sand field.
I was talking about *your* version, which did nothing to anything moving
less than 36". Incidentally, this includes all vanilla missiles.
> I don't think it's a matter of how things ARE done as much as a
> matter of how things CAN be done. Bases are not left undefended.
> Attackers cannot move completely undetected. Defenders know how to do
> their jobs. None of these are radical ideas - and it's only by
> ignoring them that you can really get into some of the situations
> you've been describing.
I'd rather not re-iterate yet again. See my last post about the subject.
> Here's an example. I want to accelerate to speed 1000" so I can
> deliver a completely devastating sandcaster attack on the local enemy
> base station. I have a bunch of ships with thrust 8. It's going to
> take me 125 turns to get up to speed. That's a long time - where is
> the fleet assigned to defend the station during this time? They're
> out there kicking my ass is where they are!
A counter-example: Your defending fleet is stationed at the base. Or
where-ever. I don't care as long as I don't have to FTL in right in your
lap. I FTL in 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" away.
detect me and move in on an intercepting course. I accelerate all the
headed for your base.
The News Bit: You can't ever match my velocity. You'll get one
brief attack pass at best. Due to FT turn structure, it's likely
you never get to shoot even if our courses intersect. You have to be
within weapons range at the end of the turn... silly, yes. Rules, yes.
You *might* be able to intercept, if you're allowed to FTL in close,
*and* retain velocity in a FTL jump. But even that means the base
will never be on the table.
> The fleet vs base
> scenario is just not plausible, as scenarios go.
But it's fun. Or, it would be fun if these cowardly weasel attacks
short circuit it.
If you introduce weapons with potentially infinite range to the game,
you should think of the consequences.
> Anyway, all that said, I do think sand should disperse some time
> after launch - maybe three turns, maybe more.
Guess who suggested that yesterday? Want me to quote myself?
-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) | A pig who doesn't
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