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New fighter rules

From: Marshall Grover <mgrover@m...>
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 21:21:11 -0400
Subject: New fighter rules

Here's an alternate way to do Fighter bases/carriers:

Fighter launch system/tube
Mass: 10
Cost: 20
can launch 6 fighters per turn. Pretty much the same system as The viper
launchers in Battlestar Galactica or Space: above and Beyond.

Fighter Recovery System
Mass: 5
Cost: 40
can recover 6 fighters per turn. Same system as BG and Space: A&B.

Fighter Squadron (12 fighters)
Mass: 6
Cost: 30 (variable on type)
See the More thrust manual for fighter details

As an example: the Nimitz class carrier has 2 fighter launch and 1
recovery systems. 96 embarked craft (8 squadrons). total mass of systems
73. the normal mass is 96. 
This makes large carriers a bit more economical and puts a practical
on the number of fighters it can launch per turn. As a general rule you
need to have at least one recovery system if you wish to land your
fighters. but it isn't needed. the fighters just need an alternate place
land. Kind of like doolittle's bombers, they could take off from the
carriers but I don't believe that they were able to recover them even if
they had wanted to.

Any comments would be appreciated.


 Marshall Grover

"A Jedi's greatest enemy is himself." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

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