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Re: Deals with the devil

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 19:50:00 -0400
Subject: Re: Deals with the devil

Roger Gerrish wrote:

> Considering all the flak that GW takes from you lot, how many of you
> actually own or
> play GW games or use their figures?

    I use to own Epic and played it some.  It just got to be too
and time consuming (to paint miniatures) to keep up, so I sold it all
I also own and play at times Man O' War.  Being discontinued, there
anything to keep playing money for.  It is a fun games, could be better,
and I like the miniauters.  Also it is the only fantasy sea battle game
that I know of.

Tom Granvold				<>

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