Re: DS2 - conversion to SG2 style rolls
From: Brendan Pratt <pratt@m...>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 16:41:33 -0400
Subject: Re: DS2 - conversion to SG2 style rolls
Bruce S. R. Lee wrote:
> I think some time ago someone posted a set of rules mods for DS2 to
> the chit system and replace it with a SG2 shifted die roll.
> If any one has a copy, could they e-mail it to me. I have problems
> keeping track of a number of counter mixes & ensuring none become
lost. I
> have a number of people who are willing to try this if I can gert rid
> the counter picking, then refering to a sub-table of results.
I too would like a copy of this post (please) :->
Brendan Pratt - - Complete Bastard.
"I always said you could get more with a kind word - and a two by four
than you could with just a kind word!" - Marcus Cole (Ranger)