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Re: Fighters or Bricks?

From: Nezach <Nezach@i...>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 23:21:09 -0400
Subject: Re: Fighters or Bricks?

Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Under the basic rules, fighter groups can move in ANY direction on any
> turn, regardless of their initial direction - they also do NOT have to
> conform to one of the 12 set "courses" - simply move them anywhere you
> up to their maximum (12") move. Lots of people have posted alternative
> ideas to this list, and you can feel free to use any of them (or your
> if you prefer.
> Jon (GZG)

	Thanks for clearing that up.  I think I will try playing with 
fighters with your rules before I get delusions of grandure and make my 
own ;)



>From the list of "How To Tick People Off":
	#8.  Practice making fax and modem noises.

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