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Pilot abilities

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 08:32:08 -0400
Subject: Pilot abilities

The following details a system for ace pilots in campaign games.
While individual pilots mean very little in the big picture, this was 
designed to add RPG -like flavor.

This isn't meant to be hard core realistic stuff. Use it if you like it.


 All ace pilots must be named. No unnamed or unimaginatively named (such

as "Ace #1") ace pilot may ever gain experience points.

 Since aces collect experience points, it's important to distinguish
they did and what their teammates managed to pull off. Use different 
colored dice for the ace's rolls.

 All aces start at experience 5. This covers the basic ace abilities 
detailed in More Thrust.

 Additional one XP can be gained for a page length bio of the pilot, 
complete with picture.

 A custom painted personal fighter model earns another point. Note that 
"custom" has some standards! It means putting considerably more effort 
into the paintjob, not just using a different color.

 Experience is gained in play for the following feats:

 Shooting down an enemy fighter 	    1 pt
 Destroying an enemy Escort		    2 pts
	   - " -     Cruiser		    3 pts
	   - " -     Capital		    4 pts
	   - " -     Supership or larger    5 pts
 Destroying an enemy supply or troopship    2 pts
 Shooting down an enemy ace		    2 pts

 Note: When destroying ships, it is assumed that the ace always is 
putting in the finishing touches, so he always gets the credit for the 
kill if he manages to cause even one point of damage or knock out one 

 If you're really insane, you can keep track of all pilots. Normal
start at 0 pts and turkeys at -1. Once a pilot is at 5, he is a normal 
ace. A turkey squadron becomes normal when half its pilots have 0 or
points OR when one pilot becomes ace.


 For each additional 5 points after the initial 5, the ace pilot gains 
one special ability chosen from the list below. This ability will be 
usable in the next battle. Some abilities can be taken several times as 
noted in the descriptions.

 Unless otherwise specified, the advantages gained are strictly
i.e. the ace's squadron gets no direct benefit from them.

  For each level of this skill, the ace can tie down an entire squadron
a dogfight. He may choose the exact number of enemies to tie down. As
normal dogfight rules, those enemies are forced to shoot the ace or not 
shoot at all.

  For each level of this skill, the ace can take EITHER a +1 modifier to

attack enemy fighters, OR force them to roll at -1. After a certain 
level, this skill is primarily useful against other aces, as a natural 6

is always a hit.

  Those laser turrets are just too slow for the ace. PDAF's, ADAF's,
Scatterguns, mines, nova cannon, asteroids etc. etc. can not harm the
He always manages to dodge, ride the blast wave or whatever. Only
fighter can shoot him down. 

 This ability is not available if fighter endurance rules are not used.
  For each level of this ability, the ace gains a cumulative +2 modifier

on the bailout table should he be shot down. For some reason, this is 
often called the E-Power...

  The ace gains a +1 modifier to hit with torps and to disable specific 
systems for each level of this ability.

 Sensor Wizard
  When within 6" of an enemy ship the ace can roll on the active scanner

table once per turn. Each level of this skill gives either +2 to the
OR extends scanning range by 6".

  The ace gains a +1 to rolls when attacking ships in the normal manner
each level of this ability. 

  The ace can choose to move after a designated enemy unit -- ship or 
fighter squadron. If the opposing ace also has this ability, higher
of it prevails.
Armored flies

 When a fighter is shot down, it is no longer a combat force. Normal 
pilots are not interesting, but for each ace we need to roll on the 
bailout table.

 Normally, a bailed out pilot is at the mercy of whoever holds the field

at the end of the battle, but some results enable him to avoid capture.

 If you really want to conduct combat rescue/capture operations, use 
fighter retrieval rules.

Bailout table

2d6  Effect
2    The ace dies in a fiery explosion.
3    The ace dies after delivering a moving speech or final insult.
4    The ace dies after managing to fire one last shot.
5    The ace is injured while bailing out. He can not fly for 1d6 weeks.
6    The ace is slightly wounded while bailing out and out of the action
     for 1d6 days.
7    The ace bails out safely. He is back in action after 1 day of rest.
8    The ace bails out safely. He is ready to fight as soon as someone
     picks him up (use rules for fighter retrieval).
9    The ace bails out safely. His escape pod limps halfway to the 
     friendly table edge or friendly ship of his choice.
10   The ace bails out safely. He manages to stay undetected hiding
     until friendly forces can rescue him.
11   The ace bails out and makes it to the nearest friendly carrier. 
     Failing that, see 10 above.
12   The ace bails out safely. All enemy fighters in dogfight range
     are vaporized in the fireball.
13+  Not only does the ace bail out safely, but he manages to crash his 
     fighter into an enemy vessel withing 6" causing 1d6 damage. 
     Unharmed, he makes it to friendly lines safely. Depending on
     that may take a while, though...

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice  | is just an ordinary
Maininkitie 8A8 02320 ESPOO FINLAND | Hate me?	  |	     - Porco
Http://     | hateme.html |

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