Re: Fast speeds
From: MJMurtha@a...
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 1997 09:42:14 -0500
Subject: Re: Fast speeds
In a message dated 97-04-04 11:31:37 EST, you write:
<< On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Mikko Kurki-Suonio wrote:
> IMHO, this seems like a crucial point, let's take a quick poll:
> Do you allow pre-measurement of movement and/or weapon ranges?
The subject of premeasuring movement has never come up in our group's
but I would be against allowing it. We don't allow premeasuring of fire
assuming that the enemy ships are using some type of ECM or something to
the ships targeting systems. Players will usually take a "ranging" shot
a small ship with a C bat.
Mike J. Murtha
The Adventurers Club