Missile Ideas 2
From: Darryl Hills <dhills@w...>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 02:45:15 -0500
Subject: Missile Ideas 2
A missile armed ship can fire one missile per turn per firecon. This
firecon can direct no other fire on that turn.
All missiles have Basic AI package (d6), this may be upgraded.
Cost (per missile): Level Cost Die Roll
Basic 0 d6
Enhanced 6 d6+1
Superior 12 d6+2
A missile must roll it's AI die against the target ships Electronics
die. If the missiles' roll is greater than the target ships die roll
the missile hits.
Ships with PDAF or ADAF can shoot at any missiles or fighters in range,
whether they are the target of the attack or not.
PDAF's can fire at any target within 6", ADAF's can fire at any target
within 12". ADAF Range Dice Rolled
>6, <=12
Under this system C batteries are not used as anti fighter/missile
Ship Electronics
This is the ships ability to block incoming missiles by jamming their
AI. All ships come with a Basic (d6) package. This is a system that is
integral to the ship and represents the electronics installed on board.
It cannot directly be destroyed, but will decrease by minus 1 on the die
roll for each row of damage taken ie basic is a d6 roll, if the ship had
taken one Threshold test then the roll would be at -1. This represents
the degrading of the system has the ship takes damage.
Electronics can be upgraded. This adds no additional mass to the ship
but does add to the ship cost. Passive ECM Cost Die Roll
Basic 0 d6
Enhanced 12 d6+1
Superior 24d6+2