Missiles in Full Thrust
From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 17:23:08 -0500
Subject: Missiles in Full Thrust
The discussion regarding missiles is very interesting, so no you are
the only ones arguing this string. Actually it ties back into the
regarding small ships versus capital ships.
I see missiles and missile boats the equalizer for destroyers to take
capital ships. I have been very successful in destroying large
with destroyer squadrons by using missile destroyers firing a grid
where each ship is 3 inches apart from the other. This creates a flying
grid that generally guarrantees that a large slower maneuvering craft
take at least four missile hits from a 9 ship squadron. Follow this up
heavy destroyers and pulse torpedo boats and thats the end. My
have been able to minimize my strategy with area effect weapons and
fighters. Additionally the A battery issue does work against me...
Allowing fighters to shoot down missiles does play into multiple
universes. Obviously interceptors should be more effective in this
We should try the usual weapons ability of a fighter as a c battery and
the c battery rules in the PDAF for the fighters and go from there. But
then can I fire a long range anti-fighter missile ala AEGIS?
Phil P.