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FW: "Harpoon in Space"

From: Paul Calvi <tanker@r...>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 14:58:29 -0500
Subject: FW: "Harpoon in Space"

I agree, to each his own.

If you went "modern" then tactical maneuver does go away (and this would
be boring in FT although perhaps fun at an operational/campaign level).
But with big guns maneuver IS a factor.
 I still think with the current FT rules big guns win out in an
unbalanced way.


From:  David Brewer []
Sent:  Wednesday, March 26, 1997 6:10 PM
Subject:  "Harpoon in Space"

In message <> Mikko
Kurki-Suonio writes:
> If you want to play "Harpoon in Space", just disallow all batteries
> C and stick as many missiles as you can in each boat. Sure, big ships
> still mount more of them (well, they're bigger), but they're too easy 
> targets for the points because of their low thrust. Thus no-one wants
> cap ship anymore, unless they have to use one, i.e. a carrier.

...and don't forget to disallow any speed above, say, 3"/turn, so, Yes,
Virginia, you will be hit by the missile, and No, there is no worthwhile
concept of maneouver.
> Oh, and disallow "C-batts as PDAFs" while you're at it.

Come now, didn't a Royal Navy vessel get a kill on an Exocet missile
with her 114mm gun? All naval guns are dual-purpose.
...and for that special Harpoon flavour, remember to over-rate all
American technology... Wave that flag.
I've made the Modern Naval comparison with FT before (missiles, say,
could be smaller and more vulnerable to point-defence, so mandating
great waves of missiles to overwhelm the defences) but at the day's end
Big Guns are More Fun. Star Wars has big guns, right? 
All the best war cliches come from WWII, 'cos they made so many war
films. These cliches spill into Star Wars, Star Trek and so forth, and
so into SF.

David Brewer

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