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Roger Gerrish wrote:
> Classification:
> Prologue:
> Epilogue:
> ---------------------- Forwarded by Roger Gerrish/UK/IBM on 27-03-97
02:56 PM
> ---------------------------
> 27-03-97 02:52 PM
> > Oh, and disallow "C-batts as PDAFs" while you're at it.
> >Come now, didn't a Royal Navy vessel get a kill on an Exocet missile
> >with her 114mm gun? All naval guns are dual-purpose.
> I think you will find this was post-war myth to disguse the fact that
our Navy
> had no real defence against the Exocet,
> they either hit or missed.
> Roger
Yah they do! It's called the U.S. WW2 BATTLESHIP! :-) (It's the only
class of ship left that can absorb a hit by an Exocet without
scratching the paint!) 8-)
DOnald Hosford
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