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Hardkill of missiles (exocets)

From: "Phillip E. Pournelle" <pepourne@n...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 12:55:36 -0500
Subject: Hardkill of missiles (exocets)

Here at the Naval Postgraduate School, Captain Rogers did an extensive
investigation into hardkill options versus guided missiles in naval
(Harkill defined as a object such as missile, gun etc. successfully
the missle before it causes harm to the intended target).
  What he found was that there was only one successful hardkill versus a
missile in the entire history of modern naval war.  It was a British
that engaged an Iraqui balistic missile intended for the USS Wisconsin. 
missile was destoyed by a Sea Dart, but after the missile was a threat
any allied ship...
   Captain Rogers also found that the most successful engagements versus
missiles were soft kill methodsm specifically chaff and jamming.  The
Isreali Navy have been the most successful fleet in this regard and
the Egyptian Navy's fleet of corvettes in this manner.
  Phil P.

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