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RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

From: Brian Bell <PDGA6560@c...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 10:54:37 -0500
Subject: RE: Capital Ships in Campeign Games

>I couldn't agree more - some very well-expressed sentiments. The
>is, how do we persuade all the powergamers/munchkins/anoraks* that this
>the way to go? Does anyone feel we should actually legislate on things
>this in future rules (maybe on the lines of the previously-suggested
>"maximum % of certain ship types in fleet"), or do we continue as
>and leave it up to the players to be "reasonable" about this....:) ?
>Awaiting deluge of replies with interest!!
>Jon (GZG).

I feel that something needs to be done to balance Capitals with Escorts.

Changing the way the damage rows are allocated (as discussed before) 
could help (filling across to a maximum width of 5 and limiting the 
number of systems damaged by threshold rolls for balance). Adding a 
"evasive maneuver" that uses a high number of thrust points would also 
help. Adding Ablative Armor that is more effective for small ships and 
less effective for large ships would help offset the Screen advantage of

larger ships.l

Maybe giving an official "suggestion" of less than half the tonnage of a

fleet be comprised of ships over 50 tons.

Brian Bell
Includes the Full Thrust Ship Registry.
161 Designs now listed!  Is your ship design here?

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